Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective
10) Spread The Wealth!
So Obviously this post is about my favorite obsessions in the universe! But stick with me here, I know that not every person is going to wear red lipstick. So let me explain, so you can find something that is your red lipstick.
I haven't always loved red lipstick, as a child it was always associated with clowns. But I found something I love, and that is the pinup culture, and man do they wear the red lipstick!!! I started following many bloggers and models and I learned a something, any one can wear it! Off to Sephora I went.
I was excited and petrified at the same time! But let me tell you how it makes me feel. I felt like wonder woman, seeing it on I felt like a badass. I didn't care what others thought because I don't need anyones approval to feel good! I walk a little taller, and with a purpose. It was life changing! on a side note red hair makes me feel alomst the same way!
So I want you to find your red lipstick! it can be anything you want it to be cause it is your self-confidence we are talking about! From baking to Blogging Pinup to Steampunk what ever it is own it and relish in it everyday!
If you missed the first 5 posts of this series you can find them here