Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Red Lipstick and Self-confidence

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective 
10) Spread The Wealth! 

So Obviously this post is about my favorite obsessions in the universe! But stick with me here, I know that not every person is going to wear red lipstick. So let me explain, so you can find something that is your red lipstick.
I haven't always loved red lipstick, as a child it was always associated with clowns. But I found something I love, and that is the pinup culture, and man do they wear the red lipstick!!! I started following many bloggers and models and I learned a something, any one can wear it! Off to Sephora I went. 
I was excited and petrified at the same time! But let me tell you how it makes me feel. I felt like wonder woman, seeing it on I felt like a badass. I didn't care what others thought because I don't need anyones approval to feel good! I walk a little taller, and with a purpose. It was life changing! on a side note red hair makes me feel alomst the same way!

So I want you to find your red lipstick! it can be anything you want it to be cause it is your self-confidence we are talking about! From baking to Blogging Pinup to Steampunk what ever it is own it and relish in it everyday! 

If you missed the first 5 posts of this series you can find them here




Monday, October 13, 2014

Mental Monday: Nutrition and Mental Illness

Nutrition is a lifesaver if you have a mental disorder. There are certain things you should avoid, and things you simply must have. Studies have shown that people with bipolar tend to be obese. With that comes the laundry list of other issues, diabetes, high blood-pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol.... to name a few.

So what should we avoid? 

1)Processed foods, most anything that comes in a box. I limit my processed food, just because it is sometimes the most easy option, like rice.

2) bread, enriched flour. I am not going to say gluten, because I am not entering that debate.

3)SUGAR! Including Most of the wonderful cereals we ate as kids, pop, breads with enriched flour, most snacks that are processed (poptarts, doughnuts, juices)

4)Energy drinks, please just have coffee, not only does it have tons of sugar, but the caffeine and chemicals can cause manic episodes.

5) limit dairy 

When eating you should consider food in a more natural state, like 

1) whole fruits and veggies fresh or frozen.

2) Lean protein ie turkey, chicken

3) Fish 

The important thing to remember is that even if you just cut out one thing on the avoid list and add one from the do list you can start feeling the difference. 
Would you like more help and tips? Click on the achieve your goals page! Located Here

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Finding your routine find your self-confidence

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective 
10) Spread The Wealth!
Last week we talked about giving back and the self confidence that brings about, Brian and I plan todo so much more in the giving back department, because it builds you up, when you help build up others!

I want to talk about routines and the positve influence it brings to my world, and show you how to do the same! In the world of mental health routine is very important, however what i discovered is that in a healthy lifestyle (fitness and Nutrition) that it plays an equaly important role.
So here is a look at a sample routine!
Everyday has a morning routine and an evening routine, and each day might have a different focus as well.
But we'll start with the basics, I'll use my routine as a base
3:50AM first alarm will go off
4:05 get up get dressed in workout clothes ( I know we hear it all the time in magazines and TV shows, but scheduling a workout really makes a difference)
4:15 coffee and some reading/personal development, this helps give me focus for the day.
4:45 workout (wether it is at the gym or a dvd that dosent matter just DO IT!)
6:00 shower get ready for work 
6:45 eat (or drink) you breakfast and go to work
Evening times depend on when you are home at the end of the day!

5:00 get home change clothes, I highly recommend this, for me it separates work me from at home me.
6:00 eat! Dinner should be the smallest meal of your day! 
7:00 I set a side a power hour. This can be, you time or if you have online businesses you can do that 
8:00 get ready for bed, yes I go to bed around 8:30-9:00. 
Wake up and repeat! Start slowly when creating a routine! Do two things in the morning and two at night each week add to it until you get your full schedule!
The more you do a routine the more satisfied or accomplished you can feel, and that can lead to self confidance. This post got me thinking I am going to do a series on routines, and really show you what goes in to my week to help me stay focused! If you would like to read the first part of the selfconfidence building list Here
Please like, comment or subscribe to my little love (my blog) also feel free to share on facebook!

Our daily sweaty selfie

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mental Monday: ramblings

To many times I have said things I regret to my loved ones. This illness makes you become a different person. From personal experience, when I have a bad depressive state that is also a manic angry state, it is an out of body experience. It's like I'm looking down at what's going on and I'm helpless. Words are powerful weapons. And unfortunately with this illness we know how to use them. 
The truth about this invisible illness is that you have to be willing to change. You have to be bigger than the illness. It doesn't define you, you define you. I fought the change to become better. Because being sick is the only thing you know. But here I am six years after diagnosis and am the best I could possibly be. Do I have bad days? Yes! Do I have the power to change the mood of my day? Yes! And you do to! We can be successful productive and loving people In this world. It's all about choices. Get up! Take your medication, if it isn't working talk to your doctor! Be active, it really is the best antidepressant in the world and is mostly free. Eat well, fule your body not the negativity!  Chose to make it a good day, cause happiness is a choice. Just a side note I hated that saying at the beginning of this journey and now I try to do that each day!