- Enjoy the little things (name that movie)
- Video game date night!
- Find a Craft
- Play golf more!
- Cardio (Again name that movie)
- Amelia Earhart Festival
- Highland games
- Haunted Trolley ride
- Do more vintage pin up style
- Spend time with friends
- Make a stranger smile everyday
- Be and stay organized
- Smile even when I feel broken
- Run a 5k
- Be frugal
- Try new things
- Waist size of 29
- Lose 65 pounds
- Do something adventurous
- Do a pin up Photo shoot
- Start training for a half marathon
- Go to the gym 5 days a week
- Road trip!
- Make my business plan
- Be open to new foods
- Makeover the apartment (on a budget)
- To not be afraid to be who I am
- Vegas or NYC for my 30th Birthday!!
On today's agenda this old fart is headed to the gym!
Erin D.