Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Find your passion
2) positive self talk
3) working out
4) giving back
5) find your routine
7) learn something new everyday
8) apply something new you learned to your life
9) change your perspective
10) spread the wealth!
Last time we talked about positive self talk! I hope that was as helpful for you as it was for me!
So are you tired, worn down, dislike the way you look etc... Are you still stuck on negative thinking?
This simple thing can build a confidence in you that last for quite a while. What are we talking about? Oh right working out.
There are for me only positives for working out. And here are my top three!
1) endorphins. Have you ever left a workout angry? Not me. It pushes you to release all the bad energy, and take in the positive
2) for me this is a big one, daily physical exercise can help with depression or mood disorders.
3) and I personally have increased, long lasting energy, it stays with me for most of the days!
The list can go on for miles.
So this week comit to taking a small leap into fitness. Take a walk. 30 minutes. Everyday. And you will start to see the mental clarity that comes from working out.
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