Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Self Confidence through giving back

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective 
10) Spread The Wealth!
Last time we talked about working out. I hope you trust this process! I am doing these to gain confidence in my self as well!

My mother always taught me and my sister the importance of giving back, or showing your love and appreciation. Our mother walked the walk too! The biggest example was, even in her last days she was worried about everyone else, mainly my sister and I. Throughout her whole illness she always put others first! She raised money for a coworker that she love dearly, whose husband was dying of cancer and therefore she could not work while caring for him and her children. During that time mom had started dialysis at night from 7 PM until 4:30 AM, and was working 40 hour weeks on top of that!


So when the time came around for the anniversary of mom's passing, to honor her we decided two things!

So the walk for Linda was born. I pledged to walk 62 miles in 20 days, so a 5K a day basically, and I asked all of the ones I love to walk with me whether it was half a mile or a 5K a day with me. Why 62? my mom graced this earth for 62 years, so a mile for each year of her life. And from the walk came this idea to motivate my friends and family the day before. The Thursday before the walk My husband and I went to Starbucks and ordered coffee for the nursing staff at the dialysis center that treated my mom. We anonymously dropped it off with a note thanking them for taking care of ALL the patients!

Each day  tried to get to the gym and by the end of the challenge I had surpassed my goal, I walked 62.31 miles
Giving back or honoring those you love is one of the best builders of self confidence you can do. It filled me with so much joy to see that she mattered to so many people and that I mattered to those people as well!

If you want to read the first parts of the self confidence Tips you can do so Here
Also don't forget I would LOVE it if you would be so kind as to subscribe to the blog!! 

Erin Dowell 

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