Monday, April 27, 2015

Mental Maonday : Why getting fit and healthy matters

I am always open with who I am and where I am on my journey of overall health. From mental health to my weight loss journey. So I wanted to dive into why getting fit and healthy matters.

We have a growing epidemic in our world today. Obesity and diabetes are far to common, as is mental health issues associated with them. I want to focus on that today. Many of you may know my story of losing my mother to complications of diabetes. But something I don't talk about mainly because I am in a state of denial is how close I am to becoming diabetic as well. That is why 7 days a week I am moving my ass. Because my life is destined for greater things, like helping others.

One thing I have found on my weight loss journey is the mind blowing discoveries with mental health and diabetes. For me the stat that 5 out of 10 people who suffer from bipolar disorder will develop diabetes. This is due to many things. First medication and weight gain. Second emotional eating. In a way this, and this is my opinion,  that this too is a way of slowly commenting suicide. We give up, I know I did for the longest time. I said things like well I've gained 30 pounds so what is another 30 going to do?? I used it as an excuse for the longest time. 

But this is one reason it is so important that we get healthy on all levels. I watched my mom become depressed in her life, with taking her insulin and her medications, losing her leg and eventually the realization that life was ending. In watching that I changed. I didn't want that for myself or anyone else. So I took action my first Christmas without my mom I saw a photo of myself and was shocked at how much I weighed. So I took action. And weighing in at 220 I slowly started to lose until I had lost 20 pounds. And then I weighed in the low 180's then after a bout with some depression I came back to the high 190's which is currently where I am now. 

I am focused more than ever on myself, because what I found was that I FELT so much better working out and eating healthy. My moods Improved, mainly because my blood sugar was under control and I was eating according to my disorder. More protein, more whole foods. and no soda. 

The photo on the left is the photo that started this journey.

So what does anybody have to lose besides pounds when starting a weight loss journey? Well I have a story about that.

I am an online fitness coach and a client of mine who I was helping through a 21 day program lost 15 pounds in her 21 day's and got to throw out some of her diabetes medication. In 2 rounds of the program she lost a total of 35 pounds and is the healthiest she has ever been. 

Everyone in this world deserves a chance to throw out medications, to lose that weight! EVERYONE!

To learn more about starting your own weight loss journey you can visit my site here and sign up to learn more about how my company works to help you get fit!

XOXO Erin!!!!!


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