This is something that has taken so much of my time to finding a balance in my life. So what is the first step in figuring out what your triggers are. I hated this in the early stages of my journey, but mood charting is amazing. For me the more detailed charts were the best. I recommend one that has a slot for Meds, food, water. And then the times of the day to chart your moods. The best one I have found is here at DBSA
Sometimes finding out your triggers can be painful. It's hard to admit but family is a trigger. It's hard when everyone thinks they know you, or certain people push your buttons for their own personal game. Also my former job at times was an added amount of stress on my health.
Money is also a huge trigger for me no matter how much or little I have.
My best advice to anyone going through the ups and downs of mental illness is to just for 30 days try mood charting. If you need support from someone I can be that shoulder for you to lean on. We can do it together. Just leave a comment or hit the contact me tab located at the top of the screen, or click here!
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