2015 was a struggle! But a beautiful one!
So what is up in the Dowell Land?
Well Brian in the past year changed jobs, and left mine due to mental health issues. And in all that commotion we stopped taking good care of ourselves. As a result I have done damage to my back and body.
So what are we going to be up to in 2016?
Taking care of ourselves and our health. With doctor care I am able to do walks everyday. And as for nutrition? I re joined Weight Watchers.. This was a surprise to most people. So why did I sign up again? I have the workout part covered pretty well with my doctor but needed something to get my eating under control. And for me it just made since to go back to where I was successful in my eating habits. I'll have a blog up about Why weight watcher soon!! Hope Everyone reaches their dreams in 2016!!
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