Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Spread The Wealth with self-confidence

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective 
10) Spread The Wealth!

So this post took on a different way of spreading the wealth. At first I was going to tell you how to help others with what you know. But then what happened is what happened below.

I wanted to do this post as a way to let my loved ones and anyone I know how much they inspire me!

Everyday I see posts and glimpses into their lives, or interact with them some how.

They come from all walks of life and all have amazing stories about life, love, and loss. I won't mention them by name but they will read this post and know.
I see strength in all of them. From people who have lost children to siblings to parents. And that taught me how to grieve and be strong. Some of the strongest people I have seen crumble and helped to try to make it better. There are people who have overcome physical difficulties and proven how strong a person can be if they just have faith in themselves. And that taught me how to become strong and proud in a physical sense. Or the people who started the same weight loss journey and thank me because they started, they inspire me! 
These people keep me motivated when I feel like giving up. Or when I'm too sad and don't want to do anything other than cry because I can't talk to the one person who made any situation make sense. 

One thing I can say about where my life is right now is no matter what just keep going. Everyday every workout, every smile I make, every time I say I love you, every breath, is for and because my mom loved me. 


Monday, November 24, 2014

Mental Monday: Finding Your Muse/Passion

When we first are Diagnosed, most of us feel lost. Like we have no purpose. But we do!

I am always Looking for ways to inspire myself. To find a muse or passion.

My Muses are always changing, but here are a few.

Vintage: I love this and is by far a favorite of mine because it has so many outlets to be creative or stimulating. First vintage gives me an opportunity to be out in public, which is quite good for my reclusive nature. I love going to antique shops, it always gets the creative juices flowing, not to mention I love the stories that they can tell.

One of the many things I do with vintage finds is decorating.

old Batman comics framed make our old apartment come alive

Coke products are my obsession. I use this to hold my gardening tools on the front porch. our neighbors loved it so much they are on the look out for similar items. 

I've been searching for a car like this to turn into a planter in my garden, I kick myself for not buying this!

Ahh suitcases again. These I use for extra storage, and as an end table in our old apartment.

Vintage also introduced me to a culture of modern pinup and pinup in general!

Archery became a new love this summer. it gives me quality time with my hubby. It is also like golf to me, in the way it is a solo sport and you constantly are trying to improve you game!

And then there is fitness and sharing my journey of trying to become healthy!!!

I also like lifting weights and seeing my body change, I'm quite proud of my legs!

So what are you waiting for?
I encourage you to find YOUR muse. Why because it helps if you are struggling with your mental health! It is a release when you are having a manic episode and can help to bring you out of a depressive episode!
So do it!!!!

Need help on your health and fitness? Click Click here to learn more!

I would love your feed back or good vibes, please leave a comment or subscribe to the blog!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Mental Monday: Fitness Can Lead To Stability

The stigma placed on mental health is one that needs to be broken. It's time we start thinking about ourselves and how we live with our illness instead of reducing ourselves to our mental illness. We need to change our way of thinking.

I remember a time when I let my illness be my whole identity. I was consumed with it. And didn't like the person I was becoming. Medications and poor eating led to significant weight gain. Losing 2 family members and the stress that comes along with hospitals and things of that nature made me stop my workouts. I chose to stop, it was how I decided to react to the situation.

I know what made me stop, and I know what made me start again. My story, my illness, were no longer going to define me. It wasn't how I wanted my story to go. I wanted to make myself better, to inspire others in similar situations. And I remember the conversation with my husband, he didn't want to live another minute without trying to be better health wise. 

So in January of 2014 we mad our way to the gym like more than half of the population. It was for real, not easy. I was At my heaviest as was my husband. But we pressed on. I remember when things started to change, I felt better mentally, more than physically. Exercise was helping to stabilize my mood. The science is there so I won't get in to that other than this:  
That is what made the push of becoming a coach. I wanted others who suffer from mental illness or the loss of a loved one from diabetes to know, that in this crazy life there is someone just like them.

If you are ready to start learning how fitness and nutrition can help I am here to help

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Something new and Self-confidence

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective 
10) Spread The Wealth!

So as we we are winding down on 2014, it is always a time to plan for what's next. But here is the cool part, you don't need a new year to start learning something new! 

I read personal development everyday to grow and change. I take the new information and think about how it applies to me and my life. I recomend personal development as a way to get to know who you are, and where you want to go and where you are capable of going. Besides reading them I listen to them on audio and do the exercises within them.

Right now I am reading, Born To Win, by Zig Ziglar. And it really has been a great read so far. 

I also recommend anything by John C Maxwell 

As well as, The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy

Beside this kind of personal growth and learning something new about yourself, I also am trying to step out of my comfort zone and my reclusive nature and take some classes, or do something I've always wanted to do but was to chicken to do. For example, we started archery this summer, and I love it. 
As another example I have wanted my whole life to go and be part of a murder mystery party, well that just recently that happened! It was a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do it again! It mad me face my fear of social awkwardness, I was one of the main characters. And it was slightly less nerve racking because I had my friends there and my family, and I had an excuse to be vintage!

And the best part of learning something new or doing something outside of a comfort zone? Being normal is overrated! So just be yourself! But start your journey of growing now! 

Want to read the rest of the self confidence posts? you can do so Here

Want Help in starting your health and fitness journey? Let me be your Free coach!!! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Everyone has one......

I always try to be honest and open with my mental illness. Sometimes I feel like I am only focused on the positive and never show the negative or the bad days. 

Well I wanted to share the last 4 days. Without going into private details, I'm in a depressive state. It is why I haven't been on the blog since October. 

It's always hard to explain, but I feel like the real me, is sitting next to the person in this picture. 

This is me. Struggling. Missing the one person I can talk to, the person who gave me life. There was no makeup no brush ran through my hair. I've been drowning in a world I don't want to understand. Anxiety and anger over things I know I cannot control. 

Now saying this I know what has to be done. I may not be able to control my circumstances in my life, but I know I control how I react. I do know my strength, and am taking the steps i need to to snap out of it. Yes I post silly workout photos on Instagram and facebook, but I have learned to mask pain and depression, and I know what I stand to lose if I stop the things I love, like exercise. Writing this makes me feel better, getting it out there. I know what I am capable of becoming and know this illness is not who I am, and I am not about to stop my goals because of it.