Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thoughts on a Thursday!

We all have this great power within us to change our world and help others. But some people choose not to live up to its full potential. Well today I will make this blog short.

Don't settle for a DAMN thing in your life. Start living your dream right now where you are. Prosper where you are planted, and the rest will fall in to place. Today on my workout the trainer kept saying use the power within you and you can achieve your greatest potential.

For me I am digging deep on this. Marinating if you will. I have dreams about using my god given talent of not shutting up and speaking loudly. In high school I was in debate and I loved it! It gave me such a rush to be so passionate about my case. I never really thought about using that love in my life today. But I think it's time to use MY voice to change or inspire others!!!

But that raises the question of how do I do it?? Well my first goal is to be able to speak at an event for my business. I was invited to share my story on July 25. And I finally said yes. My job is to inspire people and what a better time than now!! After that I plan on running weekly fitness events to help spread good into my world!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Coconut Oil… Is It a Good Oil?

So as being on my health and fitness journey I love learning about new ways to improve my overall health and I read this article written by a friend of mine Mel Batterman and I thought I would SHARE it with you! What do You think of coconut oil? 

By Mel Batterman
It seems daily I have people contacting me about my thoughts on coconut oil… Is it a good oil?I am sure that you have seen coconut oil be more prominent in nutrition articles and other nutritional information. You may have also seen in be incorporated into nutritional shake recipes and specific nutritional plans.
Since I get questions often and there is so much information flooding all aspects of media, I thought I should set a few things straight by providing some proper information.

Coconut Oil…Is It a Good Oil?

Coconut oil is one of the only oils that could be classified under the “Superfood” Category. Coconut oil has a unique combination of fatty acids, which have been found to have positive effects on the body, brain function, and more.
In the past coconut oil has been classified as not being a nutritionally sound food because it is 90% saturated fat. Recently studies have changed this thought process because these saturated fatty acids are so different from the standard saturated fats found in red meat, cheeses, and other high saturated fat foods.
The saturated fats in coconut oil are actually MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Since they are medium versus long, like most other saturated fats the body processes and metabolizes this fat differently. Which means that when digested they go directly to the liver to be used at energy versus being processed just as a fat that could potentially cause artery clogging issues.
Knowing that coconut oil metabolizes into energy and may potentially increase your overall energy expenditure by 5% over a 24 hour period makes this oil a cut above the rest. Research has also suggested that this overall heightened energy expenditure may help the body burn off more stored fats both in the adipose tissue (external fat), as well as the visceral fat (internal fat).
Another interesting feature that has been found with coconut oil is that is seems to have a hunger depressant quality to it. In a recent study done of men consuming a teaspoon of coconut oil at breakfast per day over a fourteen day period, found that on average their consumption of calories decreased by 256 calories per day.
Both of these studies can be very promising when many nutritional plans are starting to implement coconut oil into the overall plan.
The truth is coconut oil can really provide some extra advantages when added appropriately to your nutritional plan, and is clearly a much better oil choice overall for cooking and consumption.
 These reasons and more is why you may see coconut oil in some of our Beachbody nutrition programs that are associated with some of our top fitness programs. A couple of examples of programs that you will see coconut oil in the nutrition plan is the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme. In the 3-Day shred portion of the 21 day fix, coconut oil is consumed 4-5 times per day. In the 21 Day Fix Extreme Count Down to Competition you will see coconut oil as a part of the program daily.

One year older : New Bucket List for 31

So much has happened that made 30 a wonderful age for me. But as I turn another year older that means a new Bucket list for my 31st year in life!!!

31 things for 31 years

1) Complete my new workout (InsanityMax30)
2) Get in to the best shape possible
3) Anniversary Photos
4) Pinup Photo shoot
5) Travel to New Mexico (Santa Fe)
6) Arizona
7) Go on a hot air balloon ride
8) Have a bad ass Halloween costume
9) Start our Xmas card series
10) Take Archery lessons to become better
11) Help 50 people change their Lives in health and fitness
12) become a 2 star diamond coach
13) Speak at an event about my weight loss
14) Attend my first summit with Beachbody
15) find a mentor
16) Grow emotionally
17) volunteer for the diabetes association
18) Become certified to teach a workout class
19) Start a fit club
20) Drive down parts of route 66
21) Pop's on Route 66
22) Fit in to my goal dress
23) Go on hikes
24) do a 5K
25) Go to more concerts
26) Save for Harry Potter World
27) More DYI projects
28) visit more antique shops
29) go without electronics for one weekend
30) Travel to the Four Corners
31) pay down debt

Monday, April 27, 2015

Mental Maonday : Why getting fit and healthy matters

I am always open with who I am and where I am on my journey of overall health. From mental health to my weight loss journey. So I wanted to dive into why getting fit and healthy matters.

We have a growing epidemic in our world today. Obesity and diabetes are far to common, as is mental health issues associated with them. I want to focus on that today. Many of you may know my story of losing my mother to complications of diabetes. But something I don't talk about mainly because I am in a state of denial is how close I am to becoming diabetic as well. That is why 7 days a week I am moving my ass. Because my life is destined for greater things, like helping others.

One thing I have found on my weight loss journey is the mind blowing discoveries with mental health and diabetes. For me the stat that 5 out of 10 people who suffer from bipolar disorder will develop diabetes. This is due to many things. First medication and weight gain. Second emotional eating. In a way this, and this is my opinion,  that this too is a way of slowly commenting suicide. We give up, I know I did for the longest time. I said things like well I've gained 30 pounds so what is another 30 going to do?? I used it as an excuse for the longest time. 

But this is one reason it is so important that we get healthy on all levels. I watched my mom become depressed in her life, with taking her insulin and her medications, losing her leg and eventually the realization that life was ending. In watching that I changed. I didn't want that for myself or anyone else. So I took action my first Christmas without my mom I saw a photo of myself and was shocked at how much I weighed. So I took action. And weighing in at 220 I slowly started to lose until I had lost 20 pounds. And then I weighed in the low 180's then after a bout with some depression I came back to the high 190's which is currently where I am now. 

I am focused more than ever on myself, because what I found was that I FELT so much better working out and eating healthy. My moods Improved, mainly because my blood sugar was under control and I was eating according to my disorder. More protein, more whole foods. and no soda. 

The photo on the left is the photo that started this journey.

So what does anybody have to lose besides pounds when starting a weight loss journey? Well I have a story about that.

I am an online fitness coach and a client of mine who I was helping through a 21 day program lost 15 pounds in her 21 day's and got to throw out some of her diabetes medication. In 2 rounds of the program she lost a total of 35 pounds and is the healthiest she has ever been. 

Everyone in this world deserves a chance to throw out medications, to lose that weight! EVERYONE!

To learn more about starting your own weight loss journey you can visit my site here and sign up to learn more about how my company works to help you get fit!

XOXO Erin!!!!!


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thoughts on a Thursday: Quitting

I've quit my weight loss journey many times. Quitting seemed easier than my other options. I would always see how far I had to go and compared it to where I was. and in the end that made it so much worse.
Here are some simple steps I am making this time around to stop myself from Quitting.

1) Don't compare yourself to others. It is such a bad habit that we develop. My bod and your body will never look the same.
2) Don't get to far a head of yourself . Take it one step at a time. Focus on one thing to change once you have mastered that add one thing to become better at.
3) Don't compare where you are to where you want to be. That is my biggest struggle.

If you want and need some extra accountability and want help getting fit click here and start your  weight loss journey today!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Workout Wednesday: Choices and Actions

So as I am gearing up to start my new fitness program I am reminded that this whole weight loss journey was and IS a choice. That it is up to me if I am going to succeed. Because a choice is nothing but an empty promise, without action.

I used to play golf and my favorite way of looking at life is still through the lessons my coach taught me.

The first was that golf isn't about competition with others but with yourself. I love this rule!!! You are your own competition!

The second rule is it's all in the follow through. I.E. a choice is nothing without the action to back it up. So often we make a choice but never follow through. BUT if we keep our eye on the ball and follow through on our swing we can and will eventually go the distance we want! Thanks coach Pryor for those lessons!!!

If you are ready to make the choice of starting your own weight loss journey click here to sign up an learn more!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday Pinspiration

So like most ladies I LOVE Pinterest. I can look at the women's fashion section all day. But when it comes down to it I tell myself I couldn't wear that I am to big. Well that ends today! I want to give the people who are struggling with their bodies some inspiration! So for a few weeks I am sharing so outfit love with you!!! And I hope it inspires you on your journey to own where you are!!!

 Pants are from Modcloth
 Cardigan is NY and Co
 Necklace was my mom's

Monday, April 20, 2015

Mental Monday: Pushing On Through

It's tough going sometime. And right now is sometime. Lately I have been trapped in a manic depressive state and it sucks.

But I know that my road isn't easy.

So how do you push through those times?

I live by the fake it till you make it rule. Or as my husband calls it if you believe it it will come true. Everyday the struggle with my Bipolar is real. Like it is for so many people. So here are some of my tips when I am having a rough time.

1) Surround yourself with positive energy or people. I listen to podcast's or watch YouTube and read personal development books.

2) Go for a walk. Someday's I go a little antsy so I go for a walk. No music no electronics. Just me and the outdoors, even if it is raining.

3) Keep telling yourself that you are alright, that things will workout. It is hard this one but you have to trust your journey in life.

4) I write, journal, and blog my way to a happier place. Even right now.

What are somethings you do to help you when things get tough??

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thoughts on a Thursday: Why is There so much Processed Food on the Market

There is one thing I am learning more and more about and that is processed foods. The food industry as it has grown has increased the amount of processed foods on our shelves at the grocery store and can label it healthy. Why? Because it today's food market it is about profits over people.

But here is the thing, we can change that! There are many things we can do but the most important is a home cooked meal! It can be really simple it doesn't have to be elaborate. When my husband was working 80 hours a week the crock pot was our best friend. It is also better for all of us as families to have a home cooked meal, simply because it can lead to a healthy relationship with food! Have a happy and blessed Thursday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Weight Of The World: Workout Wednesday Edition

I don't know where exactly to start this post. I lately have only been trying to put out the positive side of me. But as the days progress my depression has grown to an astronomical length..

I am a self sabotage person. I don't know how to explain it. Sometimes it is like I have this empty feeling in my heart, probably because two of my favorite people in the world aren't here anymore and to fill that hole I eat.

I restart my weeks on Sunday's it has become more of a habit since my weight watcher days. Sunday and Monday were amazing days food wise. But then Tuesday. I had what a very vivid dream or moment of my mother and that made me miss her like crazy. Then the negative thoughts start to crowd my brain. Feelings of letting her down and disappointing her, and then I fell like I am failing at EVERYTHING. Job, Finance, you name it. That is when I need to fill that void I feel. I fill it with food.

So being that it is Wednesday I thought I would give you an analogy of what it is like. I have stated here before that I love walking. So imagine you are hiking up this trail. At first it is beautiful the trees the fresh air. But then the trail becomes very steep. You begin to breathe heavy and start to sweat. Then the thought of you can't do this creeps in. Then it begins to rain. No pour. you are still climbing still trucking along but the negatives start to win. You stop. You don't want to keep going. You have a pity party. The negative has won.

That's where I am right now, with everything in life.

Until this morning.

And why the walking analogy is so fitting for me. I laced up my shoes went to the gym and began to climb my mountain. My depression. Am I in a better place? Yes. Am I where I want to be? No the depression is still here. But I chose to climb. The only way it gets better with mental health is to climb out of the hole.

I can't remember the movie, but the main character is trapped in a hole that the bad guy has dug its raining and the villain keeps pouring dirt in to the hole the rain makes it worse but she is still fighting. And I will continue to fight my villain, my Bipolar Disorder. Some day's I will want to quit, and I might stop fighting that day, but when I am ready to start the climb again I will come back stronger.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pinteristing Tuesday: Easy Body Scrub

So I this on Pinterest and wanted to try it and make it my own. So here it goes

1 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup EVO
2 TBS of honey
a dash of vanilla

Mix together then you are set to use it!!

So how did it do? Did it stand up to the stuff you buy in the store?
I have been using it for about a week and the results are the same as anything you buy in the store. My arms are almost red bump free!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Mental Monday: Sore Subject Weight loss and MY Meds.

I have touched on this before but today is different. I have been working so hard, and after Abilify I am stuck. Not only is my left leg swelling from it, but my weight has gone up. Why?

The last time I was on Ablify my weight went up (30 pounds) but my mood was amazing. It is such a double edged sword with Bipolar medications. So what do we do??

First I recommend getting a physical. When I did some things became very clear. So this week here is what I am going to try.

1) lots of protein (chicken, turkey)
2) Increase my water consumption
3) no non natural sugar (fruits and veggies only)
4) Limit my carbs (bread)
5) 30 EXTRA minutes of activity. (going on a walk with my hubby)

That's it folks. I won't let the medications determine my physical health.

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday


Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Favorites: Meal Planning

I think I might be in the minority of people that love to meal plan. I love it!
Why meal plan?

Planning first of all helps you to stay organized and on a schedule. It also if you make it work can help to save you money. How? Here is my list of how.

1) You shop with a budget.
2) With the budget comes you shopping list. Stick to your list.
3) You are only shopping for that week!

My husband, Dad, and myself live on $100.00 or less budget for groceries.

So here is a quick way for first time planners!!
 What you need first in a calendar, I use a weekly one without dates.
Second two of your favorite cookbooks

Pick your favorite 2-3 recipes,  use the calendar and pick you days where you want to eat them . Why 2-3? The common misconception is that everyday should be a different meal. To me that is wasteful spending. So we generally stick to 2.

I also, because of our weight loss journey, meal prep. Which is something I strongly recommend for busy families, I grocery shop on Saturday's and prep on Sunday's. It makes it so much easier for us. And having a specific day in which I do each activity is helpful.

Lastly I want to leave you with this. It is Important that as a family you sit down and eat with each other. At a table. This is really important for parents with young children, because of the lesson if social behaviors, that are learned from the simple act of being together. Also let them help in the process of planning. Make their relationship with food positive. Also there are so many benefits of cooking your own food on a nutritional level!!!    

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thoughts on a Thursday: Work in Progress

Everything lately has been on this roller coaster of a learning curve. I am reminded that as much as I like to think I have it all together, I don't.

1) I set my goals way to high and fall flat on my face.
2) I also have a really hard time learning from my mistakes, I like to tell my self I failed
3) That damn pasta looks amazing. and I eat it

Those are just some of the problems that I am having right now.

SO.... The question is how do I move past them?

I am learning how to set achievable goals, mostly on a daily basis.
I am reading personal development books including "Failing Forward"
I am also learning slowly how to have self control. I am reading "The Compound Effect" to learn how to take baby steps.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Workout Wednesday: Hair Care


This edition of Workout Wednesday is for all of us with color treated hair. I get it you spend a lot of money on personal appearance. But you can't let that be an excuse to not workout, no joke I know someone who won't workout for a week after she dyes her hair. (insert side eye here)
Folks just workout. So I wanted to share how I keep my color going well after it is dyed and with several workouts under my belt. 
1) Red heads, COLD water for washing. It sucks, but do it. Your color lasts so much longer. 
2) Good shampoo!  I rotate between two, one is a Pureology shampoo and conditioner, I only buy it twice a year when it is on sale at Ulta. The other is a off brand, but the ingredients are exactly the same, Moroccan oil shampoo and conditioner.
3) Product! Don't ever use heat on you hair with out product. 
Products listed above 
*Pureology protecting oil for blow drying
*Macadamia oil for my ends. 
*it's a 10 leave in miracle treatment (amazing)
*Sexy hair smoothing treatment, cause ask my stylist, My hair is a brillo pad!
*sexy hair root pump
* dry shampoo cause don't wash your hair everyday. I use it on my hair after a workout. 
*and I use 2 kinds of Hairspray, it depends on how I am styling my hair. If it is a vintage style I do one kind and for just every day hair its a lose hold spray.

My hair evolution

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Things I learned from Pinterest!! Cheesy Garlic Bread, Made My Way!

I love making bread!! So when I find recipes on Pinterest I love to take them and make them my own! I did use my bread machine for this! 

So here is my recipe for cheesy garlic bread!!!
1 and  1/4 cups of water
1 and 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
3 and 1/2 cups of  bread flour
1 Teaspoon of salt
2 Teaspoons of sugar 
Basil, I used about 2 Tablespoons
Garlic powder 1 teaspoon 
4 cloves of garlic crushed or minced 
1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese
2 Teaspoons of active dry yeast

In a bread machine you add wet ingredients then dry ingredients, except for the yeast.  Once your dry ingredients are added, make a well in the center and add the yeast. Then start you engine!


Friday, April 3, 2015

Mental Monday: Is Mental Illness Becoming a Scapegoat

It is becoming a world wide topic. Mental illness, but not in a good way. The news stories seem to always blame it nowadays. But like most things reported on, they only focus on the small minority of people with mental illness. The pilot that crashes the plane, or the man in the movie theater who shoots for fun. Or the Veteran who shoots another veteran. It is simply put disgusting. This is NOT how mental illness should be recognized in the world.

We should focus on people who do the fight everyday, to get up, show up and get shit done. The one's who don't give up no matter what. People like me who are living proof that we are more than our scars.

People with mental illness are warriors on a different battle front. And we want the world to know what we go through and to understand but not the way it is happening now. We want you to see us for our strengths not our faults. For our bravery for fighting everyday. That's how I want to be known.

How about you? How would you like to be known? Leave a comment below!!

Friday Favorites!!! Work Edition!!!!

Not going to lie sometimes following you heart is the right thing, but you still have struggles. So today I want to share WHY I left my job to become a full-time blogger and health coach.

1)  I have time to do the things I need to. If I need a doctors appointment I don't need anyone's permission to do so. And if I need a nap or to sleep in I can because I am my own boss.
2) T25 my workout soul-mate with my Trainer who again is my trainer soul-mate. In 25 minutes I get in my workout and I am set for the day!
3) I get to do cool things like MEET my soul-mate trainer, and get to travel to amazing places.
4) Helping people through health and fitness. When the decision was made that I wanted to coach, I knew I wanted to do it because losing my mother to health related issues, and teaching others that it was preventable and that I have the tools to help them. When I reach out to friends and family with my job I do it from a place of love, and a way to honor my mothers memory!

Did I mention I got to meet this guy? 

If you are ready to start on a journey to a healthier life please click here to visit my site and shop around for something that is right for you!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Battle Scars Part 2

So after assessing myself after my cleanse it is apparent that my journey is going to be very long. I have talked about medications and weight gain and weight loss here before. The medications I take for my bipolar make me crave carbs. And the truth is I let  the meds win. I chose to eat the things that I have eaten. And it sucks..

Food, pasta really, is my down fall. I have the relationship with food that is based on comfort. I am struggling with the realization that food is fuel, cause dammit food tastes good! 

One of my biggest downfalls is soda. I always seem to come back to it no matter how long I have been away from it. 

I don't have any magic pill, I now just have my passion of becoming a healthier version of myself. That's also why I coach. It holds me accountable. When you are a part of someone else's journey it really makes you look at yourself! 

Every day I wake up and try harder than the day before, that's how I am choosing to learn from these battle scars.

Here is another realization I found this photo the other day

This girl in this photo, she hated herself, thought she was fat. And wanted the perfect body. She also thought she could eat pasta EVERYDAY. Cut to 11 years later and she is working on the "perfect" body. But she realized that NO BODY is perfect. And the reason she works out now? Purely for her health!

Yes I know that I was skinny, in hindsight, but back then that is how I felt.

This is me today and I do have a ways to go bad god willing I am going to get there!

So here are my goals for April
1) 10 pounds
2) Watch my portions
3) Drink a gallon of water a day
4) No cheat meals until my Birthday
5) Working out 6-7 times a week
6) FACE the day i.e. look pretty 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Workout Wednesday: 10 reasons for you to sweat today!

I know that for me someday's it is so hard to want to workout! So I have decided to share with you MY top ten reasons for exercise and weight loss!!!

1) It helps to build self esteem. I have done an entire series on how to build self esteem which you can find here. But working out gives you an instant boost.

2) It lifts your mood. If you suffer from a mental illness I cannot stress how important this is for your health. If I am in a bad mood working out relieves that stress and I feel 95% better!

3) Working out helps lower your risk of diabetes.

4) Lowers your blood pressure.

5) Increases you memory and and help fight in preventing dementia.

6) Ladies it can help fight certain cancers

7) It helps with pain resistance.

8) Helps with motor skills.

9) Increases your ability to learn

10) It boosts your immune system!

So since today is the start of a new month here is my April before photo!