Sunday, July 29, 2012

July "honeymoon" trip!!! we called it this cause for a while this is as close as it gets. we drove up to Lee's Summit to see the girls and throw them a tea party, something that my grandmother always did for her grand children, and it is something I want to pass on to them.

after the party.....

Next up for The hubs and me was date day in Kansas city. We drove around wesport and stopped in an antique malland found some awesome hats and vintage luggage!

 we also found theses beauties!

 After our day in Kansas City we headed to t-town
oh sweet car I love you!!!!

Goofing off before Brian's bday dinner

 Sunday morning brunch last day :(((((

 new shoes XOXOXO!

 The new Batman wall art!!!

This never happens....

it was such an amazing trip seeing family relaxing at the pool on Saturday, getting lost in Kansas city  on Friday! 
I am recharged and ready for the crazy to begin!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So for those of you who don't know My home I grew up in caught fire we lost 7 cats and our little dog Sophie This blog is to represent MY family fur or no fur, I am extremely lucky to have my parents and sister after the fire and how lucky i was to have some of these animals in my life for a very long time, it is also to show the love to my current Fur Children cause with out them I would be lost.

This was Sophie such a wonderful dog 

Me and dad before my wedding having a typical wood family moment..

me and my whole family!

Zoe was 6 months in this photo Baylee was about 6 weeks

This is shortly after we got her from the pound 

bay bay all grown

Shadow was the sole survivor of the fire

    Sisterly love ---->

Riley love of my life

the person whom i believe was there protecting everyone 

<------ My rock.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth Everyone From the Wichita Dowell Clan!

We spent a lovely evening downtown tonight! 

Goofing off!

 Again Goofing off!

He can't be the only one goofing off!

This fountain park is truly a lost treasure here in town! we need to restore it people!

