Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Self Confidence through giving back

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective 
10) Spread The Wealth!
Last time we talked about working out. I hope you trust this process! I am doing these to gain confidence in my self as well!

My mother always taught me and my sister the importance of giving back, or showing your love and appreciation. Our mother walked the walk too! The biggest example was, even in her last days she was worried about everyone else, mainly my sister and I. Throughout her whole illness she always put others first! She raised money for a coworker that she love dearly, whose husband was dying of cancer and therefore she could not work while caring for him and her children. During that time mom had started dialysis at night from 7 PM until 4:30 AM, and was working 40 hour weeks on top of that!


So when the time came around for the anniversary of mom's passing, to honor her we decided two things!

So the walk for Linda was born. I pledged to walk 62 miles in 20 days, so a 5K a day basically, and I asked all of the ones I love to walk with me whether it was half a mile or a 5K a day with me. Why 62? my mom graced this earth for 62 years, so a mile for each year of her life. And from the walk came this idea to motivate my friends and family the day before. The Thursday before the walk My husband and I went to Starbucks and ordered coffee for the nursing staff at the dialysis center that treated my mom. We anonymously dropped it off with a note thanking them for taking care of ALL the patients!

Each day  tried to get to the gym and by the end of the challenge I had surpassed my goal, I walked 62.31 miles
Giving back or honoring those you love is one of the best builders of self confidence you can do. It filled me with so much joy to see that she mattered to so many people and that I mattered to those people as well!

If you want to read the first parts of the self confidence Tips you can do so Here
Also don't forget I would LOVE it if you would be so kind as to subscribe to the blog!! 

Erin Dowell 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Working it out!

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Find your passion
2) positive self talk
3) working out
4) giving back
5) find your routine
7) learn something new everyday
8) apply something new you learned to your life
9) change your perspective 
10) spread the wealth!
Last time we talked about positive self talk! I hope that was as helpful for you as it was for me!

So are you tired, worn down, dislike the way you look etc... Are you still stuck on negative thinking?
This simple thing can build a confidence in you that last for quite a while. What are we talking about? Oh right working out. 
There are for me only positives for working out. And here are my top three! 
1) endorphins. Have you ever left a workout angry? Not me. It pushes you to release all the bad energy, and take in the positive 
2) for me this is a big one, daily physical exercise can help with depression or mood disorders. 
3) and I personally have increased, long lasting energy, it stays with me for most of the days!
The list can go on for miles.
So this week comit to taking a small leap into fitness. Take a walk. 30 minutes. Everyday. And you will start to see the mental clarity that comes from working out. 
If you have enjoyed reading today's post please subscribe to us! 

OH! one more thing before you go, if you need help on your journey, look no further! I am here for you no matter what! Sign up for free coaching, from me at Teambeachbody! Or if you feel up to a challenge for yourself check out our programs from the store! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Talk To Yourself!

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Find your passion
2) positive self talk
3) working out
4) giving back
5) find your routine
7) learn something new everyday
8) apply something new you learned to your life
9) change your perspective 
10) spread the wealth!

So last week we talked about passion, and your why. I hope you found the information helpful.

How do you talk to yourself? No, for real how do you talk to yourself?

"I'm not good enough"
"I'm fat"
"I could never do a thing like that, I would just fail"
"It's too hard and I would never finish"
"I'm not athletic enough"
"To Short"
"To Tall"
"I suck"

If any of those things have crossed you mind, you need to learn positive self talk.
My mother always tried to make me do this, and I always rolled my eyes and walked away.
But now I try to do it daily!
What is it?
Simply put every negative thought that you say out loud or internally, you replace it.
I try to do it every time. Emphasis on try. Positive self talk is a learned behavior, just like negative talk is a learned behavior, and it will take time.
The other day I had an ah-ha moment. I was on the treadmill, I'm going fast (for ME) and I wanted to stop to slowdown, I knew that if I did I would still reach my goal of 3.1 miles.
So I started to talk to myself. you can't do this, your too heavy and you are hurting. Just slowdown.
At that moment I realized what I was doing all of this for. Because my mom couldn't, because I always do this to myself. Then out of nowhere I hear this tiny voice in my head telling the negative voice to shut up. That I got this. Soon it was yelling in my head, so loud that the negative (in my Muggle mind, I picture the small and injured Voldemort in a fetal position) Voices were quiet.
So I want, scratch that, you NEED to have your ah-ha moment. Start now. If you hear or say any of those statements above stop yourself, tell yourself NO, and replace it with a positive message!!! You got this, I know you do, and YOU know you do. SO BRING IT!

Please if you liked this post subscribe to the blog and visit The DEETS page to contact and follow us on social media!!!!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Building self confidence at 30.

What do you want from life? How can you change course mid journey? What is self confidence? What does it mean to know your self?   

Someone once told me that you should know yourself by 30. Well it has been 4 long months since then, and I'm still a work in progress. Even the most well put together person is still a work in progress. Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant? 
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Find your passion
2) positive self talk
3) working out
4) giving back
5) find your routine
7) learn something new everyday
8) apply something new you learned to your life
9) change your perspective 
10) spread the wealth!

So to start this out we will dive right into number one

Find your passion, your why.
Finding the reason for your fire can be difficult, unless you look for the signs.
My passion was around me everywhere I turned, but life was so crazy, I just ignored it and moved on. Sound familiar? 
The truth, I have found there are signs everywhere. So here is a little assignment for you, grab a pen and some paper, I'll wait....
Go back one week find the recurring themes, ones that made you happy, ones that tugg at your heart strings, or even the ones that piss you off!
Once you complete that go back another week, then a month. From there you'll begin to connect the dots.
In my case it took 6 years. But I know now I want to help people. I hate diabetes. With a burning passion. It took my mom, it controlled our lives for 6 years. And I am on a path to help people realize that being healthy is a habit, or a learned behavior. 
Now you have your why or passion staring at you, so what do you do with it? What does it mean?
Here comes the OCD in me! 
Make a plan, set goals. 
I'll use myself for an example for now.
Looking at all of my themes in front of me I didn't know what todo with them. So to start I decided that I didn't want my moms suffering to happen to me or my family. So I started exercising and eating better. That's when the wheels turned for me. Not only did I want to help myself and my husband, I wanted to help others. I didn't want anyone else to have a hole in their heart like the one I have. And the second I had that epiphany it is as if the universe dropped me my new path. One of my friends had started a workout and nutrion program. I had heard about it through another blog I follow, and was always interested but was still a chicken. 
The moment I saw her say something in social media, I messaged her. And she got me to where I knew I belonged. I became a fitness and health coach, I have my own business that allows me to help others. I found my passion. I found Beachbody. 
So this week work on seeing your signs and figure out your why!  Next Wednesday we will keep the conversation going and talk about, talking to ourselves. Please leave a comment below and don't forget to subscribe to our litte blog! Your imput can help! 
Sweaty selfie! Xoxo EDowell