Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Picture A day And other random things!!

So I started my picture a day project on Friday so I am a little behind on posting them..

Friday 2/22/2013. I felt really Good! went to the dr. for a foot check up and was feeling feisty! 
Saturday 2/23/2013 I felt awful when i woke up.

Sunday 2/24/2013 lazy day still not feeling well. Zoe Was my nurse!
Monday 2/25/2013 Was goofing off with my hair and makup!
We have had a ton of snow here in the past 5 days so Thursday, Friday and Monday I had off from work!

Eventually I had to go outside to let the puppies do their Business so I took another picture on Monday! 

The dogs, mainly Zoe, hated the snow. We had just had 18 inches on Wednesday of the following week which stopped on Friday and pretty much melted down just in time for the snow to start up again on Monday!

Ok Shadow hated the snow too!! do you see that evil glare she's giving me?
Nice and dry on the inside!!!
Tuesday 2/26/2013 me at work.

So I thought I would show my inspiration board. After each weigh in I post a new quote for the week!! I also set goals in ten pound increments and I show my progress on the index cards, every time I lose a  pound a pin moves from the pounds to loose to the pounds lost. when I lose 10 I reset it. What types of things do you all do to keep motivated??  

Erin D.

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