Saturday, November 15, 2014

Something new and Self-confidence

Everyday we get the chance to find out who we are. But what if you don't know what to look for? How do You become confidant?
Here is a break down of what I'm doing right now.
1) Finding My Passion
2) Positive Self Talk
3) Working Out
4) Giving Back
5) Finding My Routine
7) Learning Something New Everyday
8) Applying What I Learned To My life
9) Change My Perspective 
10) Spread The Wealth!

So as we we are winding down on 2014, it is always a time to plan for what's next. But here is the cool part, you don't need a new year to start learning something new! 

I read personal development everyday to grow and change. I take the new information and think about how it applies to me and my life. I recomend personal development as a way to get to know who you are, and where you want to go and where you are capable of going. Besides reading them I listen to them on audio and do the exercises within them.

Right now I am reading, Born To Win, by Zig Ziglar. And it really has been a great read so far. 

I also recommend anything by John C Maxwell 

As well as, The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy

Beside this kind of personal growth and learning something new about yourself, I also am trying to step out of my comfort zone and my reclusive nature and take some classes, or do something I've always wanted to do but was to chicken to do. For example, we started archery this summer, and I love it. 
As another example I have wanted my whole life to go and be part of a murder mystery party, well that just recently that happened! It was a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do it again! It mad me face my fear of social awkwardness, I was one of the main characters. And it was slightly less nerve racking because I had my friends there and my family, and I had an excuse to be vintage!

And the best part of learning something new or doing something outside of a comfort zone? Being normal is overrated! So just be yourself! But start your journey of growing now! 

Want to read the rest of the self confidence posts? you can do so Here

Want Help in starting your health and fitness journey? Let me be your Free coach!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I just purchased " See You At The Top" by Zig Zigler. You are right, self development is key to positioning yourself for greater!.. Really enjoying your post!
